Myofascial Release. Powerful, yet almost unexplainable...

We experienced "something" that was... moving....forced or work?...something of sorts, almost so powerful- yet, scary for some.

This was our introduction to Myofascial Release.We had a weekend intensive on this specific therapy learning just the very basics.
Per wikipedia online,"Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended for pain relief, increasing range of motion and balancing the body. Techniques include manual massage for stretching the fascia and releasing bonds between fascia, integument, muscles, and bones are applied. The fascia is manipulated, directly or indirectly, supposedly to allow the connective tissue fibers to reorganize themselves in a more flexible, functional fashion.
The fascia is a seamless web of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles, organs, and skeletal structures, located between the skin and the underlying structure of muscle and bone. Muscle and fascia form the myofascia system.
The fascial system is totally one structure that is present from your head to foot without any interruption. Injuries, stress, inflammation, trauma, and poor posture can cause restriction to fascia. Since fascia is an interconnected web, the restriction or tightness to fascia at a place, with time can spread to other places in the body like a pull in a sweater. The goal of myofascial release is to release fascia restriction and restore its tissue health."

In this documentation there is no mention of 'muscle memory'. I want to point this out because it's very important aspect of MRT. I know we have all hit our shins or knees on a corner or something before. Days or weeks later you find that bruise and say, " gee how did that get there?" and of course what do we do, we push the bruise to see how it hurts. Then what happens? We recall the exact injury how it happened, what you were doing, what you did after. This is called muscle memory. So in saying that, muscles have memory, ya- OK... what about traumatic experiences? Car accidents, divorces, bad boyfriends or girlfriends, death in the family, childhood memories, etc. If we have not let go of those incidents we hold them in our body for how ever long wreaking havoc within ourselves.

Through having MRT done I am now ready to share with the world my traumatic life (that is officially now a part of history). I wont give specifics or details but hopefully you get the gist.
Several years ago, I was dating a gentleman that essentially drank too much and ended up putting his hands on me. These areas that he put his hands on me out of anger points to where I lost consciousness, couldn't breath and was helpless. These areas were tender, sensitive, guarded even years later. I never let anyone touch my neck, I had to wear loose fitting clothes and necklaces, and I just couldn't 'let go' of this situation. Everyone says just let it go, let it go. well for all of you who have had an experience so traumatic you'll know it's just not that easy.

Bringing you back to MRT- We were practicing 'unwinding'. As far as I understand that is where the muscles literally tells your therapist where to go, we are 'unwinding the muscles'. Its still something I'm not sure I quit understand. But a dear kind therapist of mine tried to do unwinding for me. both of us learning and trying to understand found that I had a severe barrier to my right side of my neck. I couldn't turn my head to the right. It was just strange.
Gosh, I just couldn't grasp the fact of what this 'unwinding' thing was. The instructor tried it on me so I could understand... This is where it GETS ...GREAT... no,, powerful, yet almost unexplainable....
She placed her hands on the base of my neck. Just sat there for a couple seconds centering both of us. She pulled lightly on the base of my neck, created a gentle traction. I instantly felt the dying urge to let out a dramatic over-the-top laugh but I held it in. Telling myself it's not funny, why do you want to laugh "stop it." I told myself this several times. She moved my head to the left, gently upwards, tilted left and ...slowly moved to the right- "ouch that's sore" I wanted to let out a weeping sob, but yet still laugh my head off. Gosh, I didn't know what to do. She a little bit more rapidly let my chin drop to my chest so the my head was facing my right armpit.
I don't exactly recall what happened... All I know is that I couldn't breath and started to shake as if I saw a ghost. The exact same feelings I was feeling with the scary incident known as an ex boyfriend. I remember gasping for air, all i wanted to do is breath, take one full breath. I couldn't. Some said It seemed as if i was drowning or choking. Literally I was- on a VERY positive note though I can finally let go of what once seemed to be my final days on earth. I am alive, I am healthy. I can breath. Even in the past year I was being treated for shortness of breath. It instantly walked away after having MRT done. I feel like a brand new person. I am not depressed, sad or unforgiving anymore. I am able to heal others as I was healed and put at ease. I am ready for my next chapter in life.
So - in essence, this was scary, unlocked territory for me. and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It made me a new person willing to be me for once in 2 years.


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